Distance Healing in a Nutshell
The client brings forth the healing themselves, by
stating what intention or healing they are seeking prior to the treatment. Then, the professional healer performs as a conduit for the healing, spiritual light to "travel" from the Spirit World to the client wherever they are.
What is Light?
Light or healing energy that is sourced from the Spirit World can sometimes be channeled to and then through… READ MORE
The Distance Healing Process
Every Spiritual Healer has their own, unique process of how they work so a basic understanding is helpful prior to Appointment day. For example, my process doesn't include the need to see my clients face so it can be done very close to anonymous. READ MORE
About Bill Robert
My introduction to channeling was in the 90's when I became attuned to Reiki 1&2. In 2010, I went on a 3 year, 40 hours a week spiritual exploration which preceded this Light Energy … READ MORE