The Distance Healing Process
The Appointment
The day of appointment is quick and fast moving and audio only. Bill will call at the exact appointed time, answer any last minute questions and then confirm the information provided which will automatically set the intention for the session. You begin the session at the end of the call by saying your first and last name slowly and clearly, 3 times in a row and then both hang up.
Preparation – Sacred Space
The more preparation you do the better chances that you will have a better outcome. If you want something "unexplainable" to happen, don't expect it to happen in the exact same environment that you normally are. Create space for something new to come in.
Creating a sacred space around your body can include flowers, candles, crystals, incense, photos of loved ones(either side), religious items, sage, musical instruments, art, journal, beauty and music. Consider going outside next to your favorite tree, view, beach, lake etc. If not possible, the passenger seat, in a parked car, can work as well.
Preparation – Body Position
Do you want to receive while sitting in a chair or laying all the way down and relaxing every muscle? Consider that any back or body pain should determine your position regardless of what healing is sought.
If you decide you want to SIT during the treatment, choose a firm, comfortable chair that will keep your spine straight. Dining room chairs usually work great for meditating or receiving spiritual Light. Sitting is recommended for anyone that is nervous, as you may feel a little safer with your feet on the ground. or anyone seeking healing related to being more grounded.
If you decide you want to LAY during the treatment, make sure your back and knees are supported if needed. But, otherwise, laying allows for the most expansive experience, helping to forget the limitations of the body. Lay any' where but the bed is age old advice, but if the bed is your option perhaps lay in the opposite direction as you normally do.