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Distance treatment testimonials

Mar 21, 2023

average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 5 votes, reviews

I have felt a true shift in my relationships. I feel a sense of peace within since my reiki session. During my 25 minutes of receiving the distant reiki I felt a shock to my root chakra and I saw an image of my daughter running free on wild horses. I can’t wait to have another healing one day soon.

South Jersey

Denise Pagliaccetti

Jan 19, 2023

average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 5 votes, reviews

Very relaxing session with Bill. Look forward to the next one

West Babylon, NY

Maria C Crimi Gregory

Aug 3, 2022

No ratings yet

I did feel a peaceful/restful tone come over me. A release/lightness. Which I definitely needed.

Dallas, TX

Rian Patterson

average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 5 votes, reviews

I contacted Bill Flanigan in April 2018 because of a enormously unpleasant and long drawn-out skin ailment, which is connected to our environment. The condition is not well understood, and the medical professionals don't have anything to offer but steroids, cortisone and antihistamines. Bill was already on the phone very friendly and helpful. He explained the procedure of the session and the healing process thoroughly. I opted for a remote session, because I thought I might feel more comfortable because of the skin sensations. Bill called me shortly before the session started. He connected to me and we ended the call by my saying my full name three times. I chose a relaxing space at home and I felt a fantastic energy flow. Afterwards I felt much better fortunately, and I also slept incomparably much better the night following the remote session. Most important I was in a much better mood and not so depressed. I still experienced itching and skin problems, but to a much lesser degree. The skin sensations were not as raw and tormenting anymore. It seemed that Bill's healing penetrated this complex problem of environmental factors and skin ailments.

The energy flow of the second remote treatment was especially strong. I made a great step forward. My sleep and mood became more stable, my skin did not itch as intensely any more. It still itched a bit, but not to compare with before. The all over parasitic situation with our environment seemed less severe. My husband and I still will have to do our part, but we seem to be more in control and not swept away by something sinister and dark.

Also during my third treatment I felt a very positive and uplifting energy during the session and afterwards. Psychologically I have felt consistently much stronger and optimistic, that our family can pull out of this difficult situation and will be completely healed.

I will keep on working with Bill, and I am most grateful to his enormous gift of healing. He is a most exceptional human being. I could hardly believe that Bill offers his healing freely and generously at no cost. I want to thank him with all my heart for his strong healing force and generosity.

NE Atlanta, GA

Eve B.

average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 5 votes, reviews

I felt energy come into the top of my head, my crown chakra and then it gathered in my throat area(where needed) and then continued to flow down to my knees for awhile and then out of the bottom of my feet. At one point, I felt like someone put their hands on my stomach. For awhile, I felt "weighted down" as if I could not move and was in a trance.

Philadelphia, PA


average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 5 votes, reviews

My knee was warm for about 3 full hours after I left. It seemed to heal further after I slept the first couple of nights. While my knee was not healed 100%, it was significantly better and I was able to go on my Montana ski trip the next week.

P.S. Another month after my ski trip my knee has continued to improve.

Gainesville, GA


average rating is 5 out of 5, based on 5 votes, reviews

Best night sleep in a long time. I feel well and energized.

Atlanta, GA


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